Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mr. Spencer Zoo-Who

Okay, today, was a good day! First I woke up tired and with kids screaming at each other that quickly turned to crying because one kicked the other and then the other had, HAD, to retaliate and make the other it so far. Then I had a call about some problems with this and that and well, typical relief society stuff, are you with me so far?! My house was a mess, my kitchen was piled up with two days of dirty dishes, laundry needed to be done and oh ya, it was POURING buckets outside. Why, WHY do days start out like this...

However, Mr. P who is studying for his last final of his first year of law school saw the pain, anguish, boredom and monotony in my eyes and decided that he must take matter's into his own hands. Yes, he singlehandedly made all my dishes go away, laundry vanished and made the rain stop...okay he didn't do one of those things but he suggested we go to lunch. I love lunch and it is even better when it is with Mr. P.

And yes, it gets better. After lunch I went to volunteer at Elijah's class, like I do every Thursday and when I went to check in, the ladies at the front desk told me that Spencer got into the Zoo Kindergarten! He will be one of 17 kids in the NATION to go to school at the Zoo. How cool is that! I was so excited but even more exciting was the fact that all his friends and buddies got into the zoo as well! What a great day...okay well, the house is still dirty, the laundry still needs to be washed and folded and well, the dishes did get done by yours truly but the rain...well, it did stop.


Tammi said...

Congrats! I've always wanted to spend all day at the zoo! I am sooooo jealous. Look Ann, just another blessing for being a wonderful R.S.P!!!

Lori said...

Lions and tigers and fun! Congrats!!!!