Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Good Bye To Sledges!

Where's Spencer...he was being a bum and would not come out...whatevs!

I think the hardest part about moving wasn't taking 3 weeks out of my life to pack away our possessions. It wasn't cleaning a stove and frig for 5 hours. It wasn't even packing the truck and watching it drive away...it was saying good-bye to our friends. We made some amazing friends who will always be in my heart forever. One of those families was the Sledge's. For about 2 1/2 years, they lived 5 doors away and the kids were always running back and forth between our units. But they out grew their unit and moved to a house about 10 minutes away...we still ran back and forth between homes. But I must admit moving 900 miles away, has put a damper on the kids running back forth between homes. I miss them so much that it makes me get teary eyed on how much I miss them. So for you Sledges...we miss you!

1 comment:

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