Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Quick Glance Into Insight.

I am usually not one to throw religion into the faces of my loved ones but I must take this minute and toss a few religious thoughts out there. This past weekend was General Conference and because only three people read this blog, and all three are LDS, they know what General Conference is. I loved the talks, I love the spirit that was felt and I loved the way it rejuvenated me, spiritually, physically, and mentally.

I was most impressed with Jeffery R. Holand's talk, maybe it was because he was talking a little bit louder than most, but he talked with such zest, such zeal that you couldn't but help take notice. I love how he is so black and white, I create a lot of gray and get boggled down by my own weaknesses but with such talks as this, it wipes away the distorted.

I must admit, I miss President Hinckley. I just never thought I would miss a man that I had never met, that I had never talked too, that didn't know my face but he knew my problems, he understood my fears...I miss him and I easily get choked up when I see his picture as well as hear his voice. I do love President Monson however and I always love his stories...he has lead an incredible life.

I am so grateful that we have this inspired weekend to look forward to every six months. I remember as a kid, teenager, not to long ago, that I always looked forward to conference because I could sleep all day, now I look forward to conference to receive guidance, inspiration, to feel the Spirit. I hope all of you...okay the 3 of you, felt the same way.


jaybs said...

Ann, I read you Blog each and every morning! - so pleased to read your Testimony of Conference.

Lisa Mcclun said...

Hurrah for my spiritual sister! I have loved Elder Holland since my BYU days - he is my hero.

Lori said...

I agree with you!

Ashley Tasker said...

Okay... I just had to be the fourth person to comment to prove you wrong that there are NOT only four people that read your blog! I love reading it and I loved what you had to say about conference! And I agree with you, Jeffrey R. Holland's talk was my favorite. He was just so powerful and it reminded me of maybe how Abinadi or some of the old prophets would have been testifying of the truth! Anyway... I'm number four Ann. Get your facts straight! ; )

Ashley Tasker said...

Oh crap... I meant that there are not only THREE people that read it.. okay.. you got the point I was trying to make!