Thursday, February 26, 2009

President Potter...Now That IS A Laugh

Well for many of you who may not know, I was put in as the Relief Society President of the Fontenelle Ward on Sunday. When the Bishop extended this calling to me (2 weeks prior) I did what any good woman would do...I cried, for two weeks and you can ask my sisters to verify this as they listened to me cry for two weeks about it! I am NOT a leader, I HATE making decisions...I do NOT visit teach and I SWEAR way, way, WAY to much. However I was taught to never turn down a calling and so I said yes. It came at a very tumultuous time in our lives as the next day we left for Utah to say good-bye (we thought) to Jim's mom. But through the tender mercy's of the Lord, we left Jolene better and she gave me some good advice: lead on your knees and always have a great shade of lipstick on. Well, not sure about lipstick thing but the prayer thing, I can do.

But as time goes on and I have come to 'accept' the call I have realized that I love it. I am so looking forward to getting to know the ladies of the ward, my presidency and all the challenges that come with this calling. I am glad that we have a Heavenly Father that has a great sense of humor because I am thinking he is having a great laugh with this one!


jaybs said...

I love that "Serve on you knees" - it always amazes me whatever challenges that come our way, our Faith and our Loving Heavenly Father can and will carry us through.

When I was 24 I was asked to join the Board of Management of the YMCA, in our area it was such a major organization. The YMCA had a 98 bedroom hostel, restaurant, gym and youth club, we had just purchased the school next door to extend, we had also bought a massive development which was a Nunnery prior, this we built a social housing village on and finally we had bought the cinema across the road and turned it into a Gym/badminton courts under the brand name of Y making it look very commercial.

I asked in Prayer why choose me? the board was made up of a chairman of a major company employing thousands, two lawyers, a private school principal and a medical consultant, but before my first board meeting I Prayed! speak through my lips and HE did, over the years I served I felt I brought a different perspective to the board, as President You can do the same Ann!

Lori said...

You can do it and do it well! I laugh that you said you don't like making decisions....really??? Where are you going on vacation in two years, point made:)!

Bonnie said...

You are such a great pres. I was talking to Carissa and she said the mantle of your calling has definitely settled on you and she had such good things to say about you. You are awesome! (Just glad it's you and not me, I'll keep Primary, thank you very much!!!)