Thursday, February 26, 2009

"Mom...I think I am Sick"

I think the next time one of my three cute sons tells me this I may want to think of asking them what they are sick of? Elijah came into our room last night at about 11:30 PM and said he needed to throw up and he our garbage can...without a garbage sack...and now the garbage can is in the big garbage bin outside. (I am sorry, I just can't deal with throw up, it just takes me back to being pregnant and throwing up everyday). He then threw up again at 1:30 AM. Luckily for all of us, it was in the toilet and the last time he threw up however I felt I should keep him home from school, just in case and well, I think that was a good idea. But now I am questioning whether or not Elijah was sick from a bug or just sick of be the judge?

watching Cartoon Network

Showing off his 'sick' face...not so sure about his acting skills

1 comment:

jaybs said...


I used to always have stomach aches on a Friday?? (my stomach is still the weakness with me) but Mum always used to say the same thing to me, go to school and see how you feel, she knew 9 times out of 10 once I was there I would stay - LOL