Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Randsom Thoughts...That Really Aren't Funny, But I Don't Have Anything Else to Write About

Because we are heading to Utah tomorrow and school, for the kids, doesn't officially end until Friday, Elijah's teacher gave him his end of the year DVD. It is such a cute DVD and so fun to see each kid grow up during the course of first grade. I got a little attached to Elijah's first grade class because I had the opportunity to go into the class and volunteer on Thursday's. Like I said, it was so cute and the entire family sat down to watch it (okay, Spencer was pouting on the stairs because I got mad at him for changing for the 5th time today and I am NOT joking...grrr, that kid). But there was a song that was on the DVD that was country (you know I HATE country) but it was about watching kids grow up and just appreciating them and I must admit, I got a little choked up. But what was so cute, was Elijah looked at me and said "This song really choked me up the first time I heard so Mom, it is okay to cry..." I guess my kids know me a little too well...

Also, we have had some great dinner's that last three nights. Sunday night, about 8 families who are all here going to Creighton Law, got together and had dinner at the LDS Institute building. We had a great night of chatting and eating...however when we got home the boys were so full of sand (there is a sand pit there) that I had to wash Noah's hair TWICE!! It was disgusting. I guess that is what you get when your kids spend 3 hours rolling around in a giant litter box...at least that is what Jim calls sandboxes.

Monday night was went to some friends house in Council Bluffs and had another BBQ with some other friends from Village Green...it was so much fun to just sit and chat and to break in the Keller's new red BBQ grill. I must admit I was a little jealous of that cute red grill, but in 5 years right? The funniest thing of the night however was the kids were pouring their red kool-aid over the deck and unfortunately one of the twins got nailed with red punch...oh well, it just looked like blood; he just didn't think it was very cool!

Tuesday night we were very excited to see our friends Tatie and Kyson (okay that isn't really their names but that is what Spencer calls them) Katie and Tyson Beck. They are just great people that we have become friends with while here in Omaha. Tyson is a dental student (yes, dental and law students CAN be friends...haha that is little Village Green joke) and Katie is pregnant with their first baby and works at a dental office...I sometimes feel more like her older, much older, sister but we have so much fun together. Okay, I am like closer to her mom's age than I am to her, but we get a long so well! I just figure I am way too immature for my age and Katie is really mature for her age, so we meet somewhere in the middle! Anyway they just got back from Florida and so we had to get caught up before we left so we had dinner with them. Nothing funny happened...I just wanted to tell you about it, so stop thinking I always have to entertain you...heehee

I guess I am telling you all this because....well, I don't really have anything else to say and I was thinking how much fun we have with our friends that we have made here in Omaha. There are many that I haven't written about but still just as important to us. It has been a great 9 months...some lows, some stress, some sadness, but a lot of highs, to many giggles to count and simple happiness.


Alyson said...

Ann, I love your blog. You are so funny, I wish we would have met sooner. We really do need to keep in touch. We should get together while you are in Utah this summer.
Have a safe trip.

Tammi said...

Hey Ann! Sounds like all you've been doing is eating lately! Just Kidding. I can't wait to see you. Drive safe!