Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Mother's Day Mom...again just two weeks later

A close up of my Mom's Mother's Day gift
Just another picture of think of where you can hang it!
The next generation...

So I was kind of on the ball for Mother's Day this year, I just however thought of it late. But a friend of mine introduced me to the craziest store in Omaha. It is antique dash old stuff dash junk store dash I love it store. Okay, in real people terms it is a store that has everything from demolished homes and businesses. It has doors, gorgeous old doors, cabinets, counter tops, nuts and bolts, trim, tubs...everything, EVERYTHING that you can rip out of a home, is there! Well I found this great old cabinet door and thought of my mom, I don't know why I just did. And thought it would be great to add "Jones, Established 1961" in here you go Mom, a fun little present for a wonderful mother!


Oliver & Natalie said...

so where is this store?

Bobi Jensen said...

Yeah, and so why haven't you told me about this store yet????


Bobi Jensen said...

By the way, I did some damage at Ann Taylor Loft last night. And thought of you. Of course.