Monday, January 4, 2010

The Rock Band that...WASN'T

The Singer...Suave Dave The Drummer...Jimmy Jams
The Guitar Player...Spence the Menace

So the potters were able to live out a fantasy this be in a rock band because really, everybody, at least once in their life, has thought about being in a rock band. Well, Christmas is all about fantasy so we got to live ours out...guitar hero style.


wende said...

rich got rock band for christmas too, and let me just say - wow. i know now how simon cowell must feel during idol auditions. what the? my favorite so far is my mom's sing/speak rendition of fleetwood mac, you can go your own way. yes, mom, you DO go your own way. and it's not pretty. :(

have fun with that.

Bobi Jensen said...

so do you guys have it now? Have I ever told you how much I rock at this game? I play guitar hero to wind down. Girls night out idea??? Although it might only work for three.

I love Wende's comment. Hilarious. That's awesome her mom played.