Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Worthy Read...A Total Birkin!

I just finished "The Book Thief" for my first ever book club...book club, club...anyway enough with the books and the clubs, it's all about the book...the BOOK. Please read this book, it is so good and it is so unique that I would be constantly thinking about what I had read the night before. I don't want to give a lot away, but just read it. I am now going to start rating the books I read but of course I have to do it on my scale:

A 3 star book, a must read will be called a "Birkin" because I feel that the ultimate bag would be a Herme Birkin bag hence a must read...got it.

A 2 star book, is just okay, or wait until the movie comes out, would be a knock-off or a "Prodo" it may look like the real thing, but honey, it just isn't...you know it's fake, your friends knows its a fake, everybody knows its a fake.

A 1 star book, oh good gravy I didn't even finish it, it just wasn't worth my time will be a "Wal-Mart" bag...just like a 1 star book is not worth your time, a Wal-Mart purse is NOT worth your money.

So there, my rating system has begun, you may not agree with my rating system, but frankly I don't really care...it's my blog and I can rant and rave if I want too...

DISCLAIMER: Please note that this website is not an official site representative of Jim Potter but is instead a private, unsponsored website for Ann Potter's rants and raves. While Ann Potter has tried diligently to provide accurate information, there may be inadvertent inaccuracies including technical inaccuracies, typographical inaccuracies, and typographical errors and other possible inaccuracies, for which I apologize. Thank you Jim Potter


Tiffeny said...

I love your rating system. I also LOVED the book and I'm excited for book club tomorrow night at your house!


Lori said...

I agree that "The Book Thief" is a Birkin.


Careful Honey, the "Unauthorized Practice of Law by Nonlawyers," which may include, inter alia, the drafting of disclaimers, is an offense subject to injunction, contempt, and/or criminal prosecution. So let it be known, noted, avowed, or otherwise established that I, James Charles Montgomery Bartholomew Potter, the Third, tertiary, tertian, or otherwise III, Esquire, did not assist, encourage, coerce, arrange, propose, or otherwise envisage in any way, shape, form, or otherwise manner the planning, crafting, or otherwise scheming of said disclaimer, disavowal, dissociation, or otherwise, elseways, or variously on the other hand, renunciation.

In other words, I didn't write that disclaimer thingy.