As I reflect upon Halloweens past, I recall three cute little boys, dressed up in fun cuddly costumes ie: Pooh Bear as a bumble bee (my personal favorite), Tigger, a jaw-wah (okay not so cute and cuddly but not DEATH!), of course Harry Potter and a few other Star War character favorites thrown into the mix for good measure. However, this year I finally realized that my boys are the costumes they choose. I guess that's the problem right there, I let THEM pick their costumes but you know I have to loosen the reigns eventually. I figured Noah would probably be beaten up if I made him dress up as Christopher Robin. But how cute would that be for Noah to be Christopher Robin and Elijah as Pooh Bear and Spencer as Tigger...okay, okay, yes they would ALL get beaten up if I did that but still a mother of three can dream can't she?
Actually I think more appropriately they should have dressed up like the 3 Stooges...again a mother can dream can't she...