Saturday, August 8, 2009

35 Questions That Don't Mean A Thing But To Take Up My Time and Yours

One word answers...hmm, I will give it a try (thanks Wendee, I always think your answers are humorous, honest, and insightful. I think my answers will be annoying, dishonest and so therefore equally insightful...not really)

1. where is your mobile phone?
in my purse...i think?

2. relationship? amazing
3. your hair? dirty, curly and blonde
4. work? hate it
5. your sister(s)? funny!
6. your favorite thing? shopping
7. your dream last night? weird, normal
8. your favorite drink? coke...but it make me gain weight
9. your dream car? Porsche
10. the room you’re in? an office with a bed in it
11. your shoes? toms
12. your fears? crippling
13. what do you want to be in 10 years? not 43...
14. who did you hang out with this weekend? my favorite 4 boys in the world and the coolest neighbors ever!
15. what are you good at? dodging questions about what I am good at
16. muffin? chocolate-chocolate chip
17. wish list item? burberry trench coat
18. where you grew up? montana
19. the last thing you did? explain a simple situation in the most complex way
20. what are you wearing? the kramer t-shirt
21. what are you not wearing? a burberry trench coat
22. your pet? still thinking....
23. your computer? a second-hand, hand me down dell that i love
24. your life? busy
25. your mood? anxious, i should be sleeping
26. missing? a burberry trench coat
27. what are you thinking about? why i am answering these questions when i should be sleeping
28. your car? honda mini-car grocery-go-getter-a-go-go
29. your kitchen? funkdafied 70's dream kitchen
30. your summer? swimming and tanning
31. your favorite color? red
32. last time you laughed? 2 seconds i crack myself up
33. last time you cried? 2 seconds i make myself cry
34. school? still paying off
35. love? my boys

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