So there comes a time in your life when you finally decide to act your start to dress age appropriate, you start to drive the dreaded family automobile, you may even pay off your student loans, buy a know all the usual stuff that marks 'age appropriateness' Some accept these milestones with much gusto and graciousness...I am NOT one of them. I don't want to dress like I am 33...what the heck does a 33 year old even wear? I do drive a mini-van but every time I get behind the wheel of our family-grocery-go-getter, I imagine a Porsche (that may be the closest I get to driving a Porsche). I have paid off loans, but that just means it is time to either rack up more from your husband (check) or you (not so much check). We did buy a house, I must admit that one, but we live in the ghetto, not so much your typical dream home. Unless you are an illegal looking for cheap housing, in this case not so much. But even though the facebook quiz says I am 26, I am, and will be (for at least a year) 33.
I hate that I am getting older, I hate that I found a gray hair that was 2 inches long (what the hell?) and I hate that my body does not heal as quickly as it used too. But even though I am fighting it, I am what I am...I am a 33 year old woman who has the most amazing husband ever; I truly married my dream guy. I have three amazing, healthy and pretty handsome, if I say so myself, boys whom call me mom (and some other things that I cannot write on here). I have amazing friends that I love and adore, some three doors down some three states away. I have a wonderful family that I consider close friends and not just distant relatives. I am healthy, I am happy (when I am not PMSing) and I do love my life. It is full of stress, heart ache and tough times, but it is mine and I love it. I owe everything I have to Heavenly Father, I owe everything I am to my parents and I owe everything else to those whom I love. I am not perfect, I never have been nor will I ever be but here is to one more imperfect yet perfect year!
BTW I think what made this birthday so great is because Jim got me Golf Clubs, cute pink Golf Shoes and a great Pink Golf Glove to mark the anniversary of my birth.
Hope You had a very Special Birthday! and that it will be another Special Day this Saturday for Jim.
Best Wishes to both of YOU!
Glad you had a great day! 33 is one of my exceptions for not liking odd numbers...33 is cool and for that reason alone, you will have an AWESOME year! Oh, and if you ever figure out how we should dress without looking like a teenager, but not looking like our mom, let me know.
Ann, hope you had a great birthday!
Remember, women are like wine or cheese. We get better with time.
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